Manufacturer: Prototek
Model: LF2000
4 Hour: $40
Daily: $50


Product Enquiry


The Prototek LF2000 is a digital locator for locating in cast iron and nonmetallic lines with 512 Hz frequency.  A 3-step screen helps to pinpoint your transmitter and a 4th screen provides depth. The LCD includes an automatic backlight sensor to illuminate the screen when surrounding light is low.  The handle vibrates and a red LED will light up each time you hit a key locating point.

A headphone jack is located on the handle for use with headphones in noisy surroundings.  A 4-position switch helps you to navigate through the screens with ease.  The LineFinder 2000 is sleek and easy to use with automatic depth calculator for accuracy within 10%.


  • Weight:  6 lbs
  • Dimensions:  32″ L x 8″ W x 4.5″ H
  • Power:  6 AA Alkaline Batteries
  • Depth Measurement: Standard U.S. Feet
  • Frequency:  512 Hz
  • Screen:  LCD with automatic backlight
  • Accessory:  Phone jack for use with headphones


  • Handle vibrates when you hit a locating point
  • Automatically drops gain to keep optimal signal
  • 4-position switch for screen navigation
  • Low battery indicator
  • Three step screens to pinpoint transmitter
  • Fourth screen to provide depth
  • Speaker clicks faster as you near the signal
Prototek LineFinder 2000

Prototek LineFinder 2000

* Prices are subject to change. Tax and other fees not shown in above price estimate.